Appendix D

Active Scripting Object Model


This appendix summarizes the properties, events, and methods for the objects in the Active Scripting Object Model.

The Active Scripting Object Model consists of the following objects:

See Appendix B, "HTML Intrinsic Controls: Properties, Events, and Methods," for details of the Elements objects (also known as Intrinsic HTML Controls).

Window Object

Window Object Properties

Window Object Methods

Window Object Events

Frame Object

The Frame object can be treated as another window. Therefore, you can use the properties, methods, and events of the Window object.

History Object

History Object Properties

History Object Methods

There are currently no History object events.

Navigator Object

Navigator Object Properties

The Navigator object currently has no methods or events.

Location Object

Location Object Properties

The Location object currently has no methods or events.

Script Object

The Script object currently has no properties, methods, or events.

Document Object

Document Object Properties

Document Object Methods

The Document object currently has no events.

Link Object

Link Object Properties

The Link object currently has no methods.

Link Object Events

Anchor Object

Anchor Object Properties

Form Object

Form Object Properties

Form Object Methods

Form Object Events